Program management
Collaboration in teams is one of the means to realize innovation. We offer program management to develop these programs and to manage them. Els van de Kar compiled and managed European and Dutch consortia.
Some Programs and Projects managed by Els van de Kar:
- ExSer: Program director of service innovation programs. (2008 – 2010)
- RoadiBrom Workpackage leader in a FP-6 European research project that investigated the roadmap for mobile digital broadcasting in Europe and China towards the year 2015. (2007 – 2008)
- Organization, facilitation and elaboration of workshops on e-growth for GE Plastics (2001).
- Facilitation of e-business workshops for the management of Robeco Advies (spring 2001).
- Development of the E-wargame: a 2-day workshop to teach participants ‘bricks & clicks’ strategies via a game, lectures and cases (2000, 2001).
- Project leader at KPN Mobile: responsible for the strategy and the implementation of Internet sites in the business market; including the website for the new WAP service M-info (June 1999 till July 2000).